Sexual attraction to clients. The human therapist and the (sometimes) inhuman training system.

ABSTIL 4CT: Although we currently possess considerable in tbrmation about the incidence and consequences of sexually intimate relationships between psychotherapists and clients, there is virtually no documentation of the extent to which ps)rhotherapists are sexually attracted to clients, how they react to and handle such fi, elings, and the degree to which their training is adequate in this regard. "Feelings" toward clients are generally relegated to vague and conflicting discussions of countertransference, without benefit of systematic research. Survey data from 5 75 psychotherapists reveal that 8 7% (95% of men, 76% of wometO have been sexually attracted to their clients, at least on occasion, and that, although only a minorio' (9.4% of men and 2.5% of women) have acted out such feelings, many (63% )Jkel guilt)', anxious, or confitsed about the attraction. About half of the respondents did not receive an)' guidance or training concerning this issue, and only 9% reported that their training or supervision was adequate, hnplications fi~r the development of educational resources to address this subject are discussed.