Driver Evaluation System Using Mobile Phone and OBD-II System

Road traffic accidents, errant driving, uneconomical driving are common road problems today. Poor driving is contributed as one of the primary causes of these problems. To tackle the issues in concern, the Driver Evaluation System (DES) evaluates a driver’s skills depending upon fuel efficiency achieved, acceleration, braking and many more factors using in-mobile sensors and car’s On-Board Diagnostics-II (OBD-II) system. An algorithm gives a score for every drive to the driver indicating his/her efficiency on a scale of 100. The scores are used to encourage and motivate the drivers to improve their driving. Scores are also given for individual parameters, which are used to evaluate the driver’s skills. This helps the driver to get feedback on his/her driving behavior. Additionally, the drivers can view and analyze their progress over time making use of graphs for historic data present in the system. Besides services specific to driver, a separate module is developed for organizations like RTO, Insurance companies, Transport companies, etc. to monitor and analyze their drivers’ scores and graphs. Keywords— Driver Assessment; Driver Evaluation; OBD-II; Accelerometer; Mobile phone sensors; Safe Driving.