Elliptical Fiber Waveguides

Part 1 Introduction: historical introduction nomenclature of modes dielectric waveguides. Part 2 The dielectric slab waveguide: the dielectric slab waveguide modal cut-off propagation constants group velocity power distribution far-field radiation pattern. Part 3 Circular dielectric waveguide: circular dielectric waveguide modal cut-off group velocity power distribution far-field radiation pattern. Part 4 Elliptical dielectric waveguides: elliptical dielectric waveguides modes transcendental equations birefringence power distribution a perturbation approach far-field radiation pattern. Part 5 Higher order modes in elliptical dielectric waveguides: elliptical waveguides with conducting walls cut-off in elliptical dielectric waveguide propagation constants of the higher order modes the LP 11 modes birefringence in the over-moded region difference in group velocity between the fundamental and first higher order modes. Part 6 Elliptically cored fiber construction and measurements: design requirements fiber design fiber attenuation measurement the refractive indices of germania- and fluorine-doped silica the effect of temperature on the propagation constant measurement of fiber birefringence the effect of temperature on birefringence measurement of group velocity polarization mode dispersion measurement of the mode coupling/polarization crosstalk factor h measurement of higher mode cut-off determination of the axes of birefringence and the axes of the core ellipse. Part 7 The D fiber: the D fiber fiber manufacture measurements etching the fiber coupling between fibers the D fiber directional coupler loop mirror indium-coated D fiber polarizer diffraction gratings on D fiber optoelectronic devices on D fiber. Part 8 Applications of elliptical core fiber: applications of elliptical fiber fiber-optic gyroscope sensors using the higher order modes in elliptical core fiber Bragg gratings in E fibers coupling of modes using acoustic waves use of the optical Kerr effect the elliptical core fiber as a current sensor correction of dispersion using over-moded fiber. Part 9 Rare-earth-doped elliptically cored fiber: background fabrication fiber characteristics loop mirror reflectors fiber lasers with elliptical cores differential reflection coefficient applications. Appendices: Maxwell's equations physical interpretation of Maxwell's equations electromagnetic waves in free space harmonic fields classification of solutions to the wave equations uniform TEM plane wave velocity of wave.