Single-ended Differential RF Circuit Topologies Utilizing Complementary MOS Devices

Single-ended differential RF circuit topologies fully utilizing complementary characteristics of both NMOS and PMOS are proposed, which have inherent advantage of both single-ended and differential circuits. Using this concept, we propose a CCPP (Complementary CMOS parallel push-pull) amplifier which has single-ended input/output with differential amplifying characteristics, leading to more than 30 dB improvement on IIP2. In addition, complementary resistive mixer is also proposed, which provides not only differential IF outputs from single-ended RF input, but much better linearity as well as isolation characteristics. Experimental results using 0.35 µm CMOS process show that, compared with conventional NMOS resistive mixer, the proposed mixer shows 15 dB better LO-to-IF isolation, 4.6 dB better IIP2, and 4.5 dB better IIP3 performances.

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