Multiple Rank Order Typal Analysis for the Isolation of Independent Types
VHETHEX or not types are found to exist depends in part on how they are defined. Quantitative methods for the isolation of types imply definitions of types. I n the search for types, it is therefore helpful to have several quantitative methods, each related to a reasonable definition of types. The several methods could then be applied to determine which yields the most fruitful types in terms of some specified criteria. It would be still better if a single method were available which would both isolate and define all reasonable types reflected in a set of data. Pending availability of the latter alternative it is helpful to proceed with development of methods under the former alternative, and this course of action might itself lead to a realization of the latter alternative. We have already described and illustrated Multiple Rank Order Typal Analysis for the Isolation of Intersecting Types (McQuitty, 1965). The present paper develops and illustrates an associated version of Rank Order Typal Analysis for the Isolation of Independent Types.
[1] L. Mcquitty. Rank Order Typal Analysis , 1963 .
[2] Louis L. McQuitty. A Conjunction of Rank Order Typal Analysis and Item Selection , 1965 .