Abstract A modern infrared camera was used to observe the peripheral burning of cigarettes during puffing and smouldering. The computer-controlled infrared system captured thermal images with recording rates up to 50 Hz at 8-bit (256-colour) resolution. The response time was less than 0.04 s at ca. 780 °C. The overall performance of the system was superior to most infrared systems used in previously reported investigations. The combined capacity allowed us to capture some faster, smaller high-temperature burning events on the periphery of a cigarette during puffing, which was first described by Egertion et al. in 1963 using an X-ray method. These transient burning events were caused by tobacco shreds near the coal surface experiencing the maximum air influx. The temperature of these transient burning events could be ca. 200 to 250 °C higher than the average peripheral temperature of the cigarette. The likelihood of these high-temperature burning events occurring during smouldering was significantly less. Some other details of the cigarette's combustion were also observed with improved simplicity and clarity.
T. S. Laszlo,et al.
Cigarette Peak Coal Temperature Measurements
R. Baker.
Temperature distribution inside a burning cigarette
E. Wynder,et al.
Tobacco and Tobacco Smoke
Felix Jiri Weinberg,et al.
The mechanism of smouldering in cigarettes
Richard R. Baker,et al.
Combustion and thermal decomposition regions inside a burning cigarette