Reduction strategies in rewriting and programming

Reduction strategies in rewriting and programming have attracted increasing attention within the last few years. New types of re duction strategy have been invented and investigated, and new results on rewriting/computation under particular strategies have been obtained. Research in this field ranges from primarily theoretical questions about reduction strategies to very practical app lication and implementation issues. The need for a deeper understanding of reduction strat egies in rewriting and programming, both in theory and practice, is obvious, since they bridge the gap between unrestricted general rewriting (computation) and (more deterministic) rewriting with particular strategies (programming). Moreover, reduction strategies provide a natural way to go from operational principles (e.g., graph and term rewriting, narrowing, lambda-calculus) and semantics (e.g., normalizati on, computation of values, infinitary normalization, headnormalization) to implementations of programming languages. Therefore any progress in this area is likely to be of interest not only to the rewriting community, but also to neighbouring fields like functional programmi ng, functional-logic programming, and termination proofs of algorithms. The series of Workshops on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming (WRS) attempts to stimulate and promote research and progress in this important field. It provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of ew ideas and results, recent developments, and new research directions, and aims at fo stering int eraction and exchange between researchers and students actively working on such topics. More information about this series of workshops (history, topics of interest, proceedings, etc.) can be found at the following URL: