Multiscale finite-volume method for parabolic problems arising from compressible multiphase flow in porous media

The multiscale finite-volume (MSFV) method was originally developed for the solution of heterogeneous elliptic problems with reduced computational cost. Recently, some extensions of this method for parabolic problems have been proposed. These extensions proved effective for many cases, however, they are neither general nor completely satisfactory. For instance, they are not suitable for correctly capturing the transient behavior described by the parabolic pressure equation. In this paper, we present a general multiscale finite-volume method for parabolic problems arising, for example, from compressible multiphase flow in porous media. Opposed to previous methods, here, the basis and correction functions are solutions of full parabolic governing equations in localized domains. At the same time, to enhance the computational efficiency of the scheme, the basis functions are kept pressure independent and do not have to be recalculated as pressure evolves. This general approach requires no additional assumptions and its good efficiency and high accuracy is demonstrated for various challenging test cases. Finally, to improve the quality of the results and also to extend the scheme for highly anisotropic heterogeneous problems, it is combined with the iterative MSFV (i-MSFV) method for parabolic problems. As one iterates, the i-MSFV solutions of compressible multiphase problems (parabolic problems) converge to the corresponding fine-scale reference solutions in the same way as demonstrated recently for incompressible cases (elliptic problems). Therefore, the proposed MSFV method can also be regarded as an efficient linear solver for parabolic problems and studies of its efficiency are presented for many test cases.

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