the courses; others never finish the dissertations; and most take much longer than the program is planned to require. Apparently the transition from the rigidity of a set lecture program to the flexibility and freedom of independent scholarship and research is difficult. In the Soviet Union scientists and professors have both high status and high relative income. Based on a tourist rate of exchange of 10 rubles to the dollar, professors who are department heads receive $7,000 per year. Farmers on the collective farm I visted near Rostov received last year $700, or just one-tenth as much. Half of the farmer's income was paid in grain, butter, or hay for his own use. Young workers in a shoe factory I visited in Kiev received $840 a year for a 46-hour week. Some laborers are reported to receive as little as $350 a year. Relative to other individuals in Soviet society, the professor and the scientist occupy an extremely favorable position. Summary.-The evidence seems clear that the Soviet Union has succeeded admirably in training and productively utilizing a very large number of scientists, that it has been able to achieve high levels of scientific effort in many fields, and that it has been able strongly to motivate scientists by a system of high financial rewards, high social status, and appeals to patriotism and social responsibility as well as to scientific curiosity.