Spatiotemporal data visualisation for homecare monitoring of elderly people

OBJECTIVE Elderly people who live alone can be assisted by home monitoring systems that identify risk scenarios such as falls, fatigue symptoms or burglary. Given that these systems have to manage spatiotemporal data, human intervention is required to validate automatic alarms due to the high number of false positives and the need for context interpretation. The goal of this work was to provide tools to support human action, to identify such potential risk scenarios based on spatiotemporal data visualisation. METHODS AND MATERIALS We propose the MTA (multiple temporal axes) model, a visual representation of temporal information of the activity of a single person at different locations. The main goal of this model is to visualize the behaviour of a person in their home, facilitating the identification of health-risk scenarios and repetitive patterns. We evaluate the model's insight capacity compared with other models using a standard evaluation protocol. We also test its practical suitability of the MTA graphical model in a commercial home monitoring system. In particular, we implemented 8VISU, a visualization tool based on MTA. RESULTS MTA proved to be more than 90% accurate in identify non-risk scenarios, independently of the length of the record visualised. When the spatial complexity was increased (e.g. number of rooms) the model provided good accuracy form up to 5 rooms. Therefore, user preferences and user performance seem to be balanced. Moreover, it also gave high sensitivity levels (over 90%) for 5-8 rooms. Fall is the most recurrent incident for elderly people. The MTA model outperformed the other models considered in identifying fall scenarios (66% of correctness) and was the second best for burglary and fatigue scenarios (36% of correctness). Our experiments also confirm the hypothesis that cyclic models are the most suitable for fatigue scenarios, the Spiral and MTA models obtaining most positive identifications. CONCLUSIONS In home monitoring systems, spatiotemporal visualization is a useful tool for identifying risk and preventing home accidents in elderly people living alone. The MTA model helps the visualisation in different stages of the temporal data analysis process. In particular, its explicit representation of space and movement is useful for identifying potential scenarios of risk, while the spiral structure can be used for the identification of recurrent patterns. The results of the experiments and the experience using the visualization tool 8VISU proof the potential of the MTA graphical model to mine temporal data and to support caregivers using home monitoring infrastructures.

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