Vision for Motor Performance in Virtual Environments Across the Lifespan

Current trends in neuroscience research are heavily focused on new technologies to study and interact with the human brain. Specifically, three-dimensional (3D) virtual environment (VE) systems have been identified as technology with good potential to serve in both research and applied settings. For the purpose of this chapter, a virtual environment is defined as a computer with displays and controls configured to immerse the operator in a predominantly graphical environment containing 3D objects in 3D space. The operator can manipulate virtually displayed objects in real time using a variety of motor output channels or input devices. The use of VEs has almost exclusively been limited to experimental processes, utilizing cumbersome equipment well suited for the laboratory, but unrealistic for use in everyday applications. As the evolution of computer technology continues, the possibility of creating an affordable system capable of producing a high-quality 3D virtual experience for home or office applications comes nearer to fruition. However, in order to improve the success and the cost-to-benefit ratio of such a system, more precise information regarding the use of VEs by a broad population of users is needed. The goal of this chapter is to review knowledge relating to the use of visual feedback for human performance in virtual environments, and how this changes across the lifespan. Further, we will discuss future experiments we believe will contribute to this area of research by examining the role of luminance contrast for upper extremity performance in a virtual environment.

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