Computed Tomographic Study on the Internal Structure of a Diesel Spray Impinging on a Flat Wall.

A focused-shadow photographic analysis was combined with a computed tomographic transformation for the measurement of the fuel distribution inside diesel sprays impinging non-vertically on a flat wall. Areas with a high equivalence ratio existed at the impingement point and just behind the tip of the spray penetrating along the wall. The areas with a high equivalence ratio in the section parallel to the wall were distributed zonally along the spray tip and in the shape of a crescent. The maximum equivalence ratio at the spray tip on the wall was higher on the side of the wall which was at a larger angle to the nozzle hole axis than on the opposite side. Such a tendency became evident as the impingement angle increased. When the impingement angle exceeded a certain degree, the spray hardly penetrated in the direction at a smaller angle to the nozzle hole axis.