HIGLU: A Program for the Calculation of the Total Higgs Production Cross Section at Hadron Colliders via Gluon Fusion including QCD Corrections

AbstractA program for the calculation of the total Higgs production cross section viagluon fusion at hadron colliders including next–to–leading order QCD corrections ispresented. It is suitable especially for Standard Model Higgs bosons and the neutralHiggs particles of the minimal supersymmetric extension. The program provides amodel–independent calculation for scalar [CP–even] as well as pseudoscalar [CP–odd] Higgs bosons including the contributions of virtual top and bottom quarksinside the loop coupled to the Higgs particles. The relevant input parameters canbe chosen from an input file. As a special case the minimal supersymmetric exten-sion of the Standard Model can be investigated. The corresponding couplings areimplemented including the leading higher order corrections. 1 e–mail address: spira@desy.de 2 Supported by Bundesministerium fu¨r Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Bonn, Germany, under Con-tract 05 6 HH 93P (5) and by EU Program Human Capital and Mobility through Network Physics atHigh Energy Colliders under Contract CHRX–CT93–0357 (DG12 COMA).