Examples of how individuals, public agencies, and private or voluntary organizations are working together to reduce drunk driving are presented. According to administrators of the largest driving under the influence (DUI) treatment program for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the city of Philadelphia, an overwhelming majority of those arrested for drunk driving are alcoholics or problem drinkers, and are unlikely to respond to short jail terms. Findings from a study of first drunk driving offenders in Pennsylvania's accelerated rehabilitation disposition (ARD) program, an alcohol education and driver safety program operated in conjunction with the Philadelphia court system, are reported. It was found that of those convicted of a first drunk driving offense, 90 percent were male, 41 percent were stopped for having caused an accident, and 45 percent were arrested for reckless driving or a hazardous moving violation. The average age of the group was 32 years, and their average blood alcohol concentration at the time of arrest was 0.19, well over the legal minimum for presumed intoxication (0.10). While these subjects had not previously been convicted of DUI, many reported that they suffered blackouts, had early morning drinking bouts, or had drinking habits that interfered with their daily lives. (Author/TRRL)