Classifying grounded intersection graphs via ordered forbidden patterns

It was noted already in the 90s that many classic graph classes, such as interval, chordal, and bipartite graphs, can be characterized by the existence of an ordering of the vertices avoiding some ordered subgraphs, called patterns. Very recently, all the classes corresponding to patterns on three vertices (including the ones mentioned above) have been listed, and proved to be efficiently recognizable. In contrast, very little is known about patterns on four vertices. One of the few graph classes characterized by a pattern on four vertices is the class of intersection graphs of rectangles that are said to be grounded on a line. This class appears naturally in the study of intersection graphs, and similar grounded classes have recently attracted a lot of attention. This paper contains three parts. First, we make a survey of grounded intersection graph classes, summarizing all the known inclusions between these various classes. Second, we show that the correspondence between a pattern on four vertices and grounded rectangle graphs is not an isolated phenomenon. We establish several other pattern characterizations for geometric classes, and show that the hierarchy of grounded intersection graph classes is tightly interleaved with the classes defined patterns on four vertices. We claim that forbidden patterns are a useful tool to classify grounded intersection graphs. Finally, we give an overview of the complexity of the recognition of classes defined by forbidden patterns on four vertices and list several interesting open problems. 1 ar X iv :2 11 2. 00 62 9v 2 [ cs .D M ] 6 D ec 2 02 1

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