IOP : A dashboard for the Italian computing in ALICE

A dashboard devoted to the computing in the Italian sites for the ALICE experiment at the LHC has been deployed. A combination of different complementary monitoring tools is typically used in most of the Tier-2 sites: this makes somewhat difficult to figure out at a glance the status of the site and to compare information extracted from different sources for debugging purposes. To overcome these limitations a dedicated ALICE dashboard has been designed and implemented in each of the ALICE Tier-2 sites in Italy: in particular, it provides a single, interactive and easily customizable graphical interface where heterogeneous data are presented. The dashboard is based on two main ingredients: an open source time-series database and a dashboard builder tool for visualizing time-series metrics. Various sensors, able to collect data from the multiple data sources, have been also written. A first version of a national computing dashboard has been implemented using a specific instance of the builder to gather data from all the local databases.