Investigating the effect of gamification elements on bank customers to personalize gamified systems

Abstract In recent years, several gamification studies show that using personalized solutions can increase gamified systems’ effectiveness according to users’ differences. However, there is a little knowledge on how gamification can be tailored to individuals with different demographic and personality traits especially in the banking sector. To advance research in this area and fill the mentioned gaps, in this research, conducting a survey study among 412 participants, we investigated the relationships between demographic and personality traits of individuals and their preferences for the gamification elements and the expected benefits. We developed a 38-item survey to investigate how individuals with various demographic characteristics engaged with different gamification elements, and how they expect to receive the benefits of the system in return for their activities. Furthermore, we also examined that individuals with different personality traits are more likely to engage with which type of gamification elements, and what benefits they expect from the gamified systems. Finally, we provide a set of guidelines for designers to enable them design gamified systems in a way that recognize different individuals according to their unique characteristics, and taking advantage of the provided guidance, they can treat the users in a personalized manner.

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