This paper presents an innovative research project involving the design, construction and instrumentation of seven interlocking concrete pavement (ICP) crosswalks. In total there are four different structural designs presented. These were constructed at the Centre for Pavement and Transportation Technology (CPATT) test track and at the University of Waterloo Ring Road in 2007 and will involve the development of mechanistic-empirical design models for ICPs. Each of the test sections is instrumented with four sets of sensors to monitor the pavement performance under heavy truck traffic, typical municipal loadings and to quantify environmental effects. A database is being generated for all seven sections and the measured stress, strain, temperature and moisture measurements are analysed to evaluate the expected long-term performance of the structural components of ICP crosswalk designs. This paper outlines the design, instrumentation, and initial pavement performance for the seven crosswalk sections. The paper also provides some data and in-situ performance of the seven crosswalks.