Socjalne właściwości użytkowe budynków mieszkalnych w świetle badań ankietowych

In the article, the authors consider one of the aspects of sustainable construction the social aspect. Among the social aspects, in accordance with PN-EN 16309 + A1: 2014-12 were listed the following utility properties of the building: accessibility, adaptability, comfort and health, neighborhood, maintenance, safety and security. The authors conducted a survey among the residents of Krakow districts. In the questionnaire were more detailed questions about the utility properties of buildings. Badania miały na celu ustalić jak użytkownicy oceniają istotność badanych cech, które wpływają na funkcjonalność i komfort ich miejsca zamieszkania. The study had be aimed at specify how users rate the importance of the studied traits that affect on the functionality and comfort of their domicile.