Development of a dynamic growth model for sweet chestnut coppice: A case study in Northwest Spain

Abstract Sweet chestnut coppice (Castanea sativa Mill.) is a species of great importance in the northwest of Spain, due to its potential for producing valuable timber in relatively short rotations. However, abandonment has resulted in unstable and degraded stands. Thus, there is a need to improve forestry decision making tools. The objective of this study is the development of a dynamic stand growth model for the sweet chestnut comprised of three transition functions (dominant height, basal area and number of stems per hectare). They are used to estimate rates of change in the stand between an initial point in time and a point in the future. The data comes from two inventories of an unmanaged network of plots which incorporate all the variability in conditions in the region for the study species (climate, soil, stocking, site quality etc.). ADA and GADA approaches were used to develop the three transition functions. The model achieved high accuracy (explaining >90% of variability). The model incorporates an initialization function (explaining 60% of variability) for predicting initial stand basal area in stands without diameter inventories, which can be used to establish the starting point for the simulation, and, in addition, the biomass expansion factor (BEF) for this species (expressed as a constant value of 0.60) and a new single aboveground biomass equation (explaining almost 80% of variability) were calculated. A case study shows how to apply these decision making tools for the sustainable management of sweet chestnut coppice.

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