Experimentally valid predictions of muscle force and EMG in models of motor-unit function are most sensitive to neural properties.

Computational models of motor-unit populations are the objective implementations of the hypothesized mechanisms by which neural and muscle properties give rise to electromyograms (EMGs) and force. However, the variability/uncertainty of the parameters used in these models--and how they affect predictions--confounds assessing these hypothesized mechanisms. We perform a large-scale computational sensitivity analysis on the state-of-the-art computational model of surface EMG, force, and force variability by combining a comprehensive review of published experimental data with Monte Carlo simulations. To exhaustively explore model performance and robustness, we ran numerous iterative simulations each using a random set of values for nine commonly measured motor neuron and muscle parameters. Parameter values were sampled across their reported experimental ranges. Convergence after 439 simulations found that only 3 simulations met our two fitness criteria: approximating the well-established experimental relations for the scaling of EMG amplitude and force variability with mean force. An additional 424 simulations preferentially sampling the neighborhood of those 3 valid simulations converged to reveal 65 additional sets of parameter values for which the model predictions approximate the experimentally known relations. We find the model is not sensitive to muscle properties but very sensitive to several motor neuron properties--especially peak discharge rates and recruitment ranges. Therefore to advance our understanding of EMG and muscle force, it is critical to evaluate the hypothesized neural mechanisms as implemented in today's state-of-the-art models of motor unit function. We discuss experimental and analytical avenues to do so as well as new features that may be added in future implementations of motor-unit models to improve their experimental validity.

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