Design: no here, now where?

I came upon a chart he calls the Great Nest of Being [2]. I warn you this is going to be pretty Californian, and I think really important. He claims this chart is a representation of most of the world's traditions of wisdom at least at some fundamental level. For me, it is also a map of the world of design and branding, particularly in relation to e-commerce. Let's call Wilber's chart a map of being that begins with Matter. The first nest of being contains physical objects, such as rocks, water, and air, that can be defined by physics. Transcending and including Matter is Life. This does not mean that we can forget about Matter and move on to Life; we have to transcend or envelop Matter while we move to a new plane or nest that is now living, capable of sensations that can be defined by biology. Birds flying, plants growing, cells multiplying. Life includes matter but has evolved. The next nest is that of Mind, which includes both Matter and Life but adds the dimension of language. This again is key, because it is through language that human beings can create logic or reasoning. I contend that although animals communicate, they cannot invent history. To understand this nest, we look to the domains of psychology, philosophy, and other social sciences. Moving into the next nest, Soul, the direct connec