Beam-waveguide antenna performance predictions with comparisons to experimental results

An overview of a NASA/JPL antenna project, with specific focus on the methodology used to predict the microwave performance of a 34-m-diameter beam-waveguide (BWG) reflector antenna, designated DSS 13, is given. Microwave performance predictions are given, as well as a summary of test results for the antenna, which has Cassegrain and centerline BWG operating models at X-band (8.450-GHz) and Ka-band (32-GHz) frequencies. Predictions were used to identify critical and poorly understood areas needing further study and diagnostic testing, and assisted in planning, scheduling, and evaluating the final results of a detailed test program. Predictions were assembled for all known losses that contribute to antenna performance degradation. It was found that predictions and experimental results agreed reasonably well for beam-peak gain and corresponding efficiency, and for several (but not all) noise temperatures. >