가막사리(Bidens tripartita L.) 정유의 향취, 화학성분 및 세포독성

The essential oil was extracted by steam distillation from the aerial part of erect bur-marigold (Bidens tripartita L.), one of the noxious weed in paddy field. The composition of the essential oil was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The fragrance of the essential oil was green, herbal, oily, spicy. There were 42 constituents in the essential oil:17 hydrocarbons, 6 alcohols, 6 acetates, 5 N-containing compounds, 3 ethers, 3 ketones, 1 lactone and 1 S-containing compound. Major constituents were α-phellandrene (22.50%), α-pinene (22.21%), 2,4-dimethyl (2,5-dimethylphenyl) methyl ester benzoic acid (15.11%), limonene (10.66%), β-pinene (35.43%), and β-cubebene (5.27%). The IC50 value in MTT assay using HaCaT keratinocyte cell line was 0.018%. However, attachment of patch with 0.1% of the erect bur-marigold essential oil for 24 hr did not show any skin toxicity. Overall results of this study suggest that the essential oil of erect bur-marigold could be used as a source for the development of perfumery industrial products.