Durability Prediction for Concrete Structures Exposed to Chloride Attack Using a Bayesian Approach

Dept. of Civil & Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, KoreaABSTRACT This paper provides a new approach for predicting the corrosion resistivity of reinforced concrete structuresexposed to chloride attack. In this method, the prediction can be updated successively by a Bayesian theory when additional dataare available. The stochastic properties of model parameters are explicitly taken into account into the model. To simplify the pro-cedure of the model, the probability of the durability limit is determined from the samples obtained from the Latin hypercube sam-pling technique. The new method may be very useful in designing important concrete structures and help to predict the remainingservice life of existing concrete structures which have been monitored.Keywords : corrosion, bayesian theory, durability prediction, remaining service life, monitoring.