In scientific writing will be discussed concerning the design MICROCONTROLLER WITH AUTOMATIC HAND washing, hand washing module consists of a sensor that uses hand infra red sensor to activate the water pump. The module consists of sensor hand dryer that uses the hands of three light sensors (LDR) to activate the hand dryer. Single-chip microcontroller is a computer that has the ability to be programmed and used for control-oriented tasks. Control room to make minimal microcontroller is more effective than the computer PC, because the microcontroller has the same architecture with a portable PC. With 4-port 8-bit as an input / output. Port of the microcontroller is connected to a series of water pumps, and hand dryer, sensor 1 on hand washing will work and activate the water pump, then followed by the discharge of water. Then the employee began the process of drying hands. Enter the system consists of one hand sensor to monitor the functioning of water pumps, two hand sensors to monitor the hand dryer. The output of the microcontroller is used to control, water pump and hand dryer. From the results of experiments performed, equipment washing and drying hands using AT89S51 microcontroller which can perform as expected when the hand prevents employees from the infra red sensor and light sensor, the microcontroller provides a signal to the water pump drive circuit, and hand dryer.