Combination of end-of-life strategies for extension of industrial equipment life cycle

As many manufacturing companies are changing their production philosophies from a traditional focus on the manufacturing of the physical product towards a foc us on the life cycle of the physical product, it is becoming important to engineer product’s life cycle. Even mo re, many industrial researchers of the last decade see product’s life cycle prolonging activities as a bus iness opportunity both in economical and environmen tal ways. As a result, more focus is now put on the use phase and end-of-life phase, including maintenance and remanufacturing. The analysis of current end-of-lif e practices identifies significant improvements to pr duct design that reduce the impact of manufactured goods n the environment as whole. Life cycle engineerin g a d product take-back is a routine for many large indus trie and corporations nowadays, but, it is still a big challenge for a small and medium companies. In context of end -of-life strategies implementation, there is a very little experience for smaller firms, and results are often co troversial. This paper will touch material proc essing equipment end-of-life strategies combination perspe ctiv s, real-life implementation of them, benefits and consequences. The case study is made on a basis of lorry that will be transferred into spoil mixing plant.