Advanced coal-fired power generation systems

From a viewpoint of location of power stations, much is expected of thermal power generation systems. At present LNG (liquefied natural gas) is less expensive than coal, hence utilization of coal is not necessarily advantageous. However, diversifying usable fuels is necessary from a viewpoint of energy risk. Consequently, coal is expected to play a major part in the near future. This coal-fired power generation will be supported by the following three key technologies: (1) Pulverized coal-fired power generation with USC (Ultra-Super Critical) steam plants which will continue to be developed as the main coal application technology for 20 or more years. (2) PFBC (Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion) power generation emphasizing both sulfur removal from the furnace and improved efficiency. (3) IGCC (Integrated coal Gasification Combined Cycle) power generation for clean coal usage with higher efficiency. Hitachi intends to continue work in these areas in the future Hitachi will strive to realize, as early as possible, practical applications of the advanced technologies on coal-fired power generation systems.