EmbeddedMicrocontroller andSensors BasedFrontEndLoaderControl System

This paper present thedesign ofasystem that canbeused tomonitor andcontrol theoperation ofatractor 'sfront endloader. Thesystem allows theloader toperform additional functions such asintelligent digging andleveling operations, anditwillalso automate somecommonfunctions. Itconsists ofamicrocontroller based control circuit which monitors thevarious sensors placed on theloader, andcontrols thehydraulic valves fortheloader rams. Thesystem hasbeendesigned tooperate inthesamewayasthe existing manual control linkage, withtheautomatic parts integrated into thehandcontroller; this istoensure that theoperators will be abletousethis system easily. Theloader's sensors include pressure transducers onthehydraulic ramstomeasure loadandrotary encoders ontheloader armstomeasure theangle. There isalso a solid state gyrointhecontrol boxtofacilitate theuseofaself leveling function. Anultrasonic distance sensor hasbeenusedto assist inthedigging andleveling functions. Oneofthebenefits of this system isitsability todetect andalert theoperator whenthe tractor isindanger ofrolling over, thus increasing thesafety ofnot only theloader, butofthetractor itself I.INTRODUCTION Thefront endloader onatractor isaveryversatile piece ofequipment whichcanperform manydifferent functions (1). Thesefunctions include butarenotlimited to,bale moving andstacking, digging andleveling, andtransportation