A digital Seasat SAR correlation-simulation program
A correlation-simulation program for processing Seasat SAR data is presented, featuring the use of FORTRAN code to allow simple transference to another computer. The highest attainable azimuthal resolution for Seasat SAR experiments and the ability to generate images with varying quality by varying resolution or the number of looks are additional features. A fiber optics link transfers the Seasat data from high intensity digital tapes to an SEL 32/55 computer, and the least significant bits of the 5 bit data samples are truncated, thus the input data have 4 bits per sample. A total 8192 echoes are processed each time and stored on 8 separate data files on the disk. In addition, a program operating on 1-look high resolution images for performance simulations of proposed radar systems and processing schemes has been completed. Finally, the coding is simple, and 8 hours are required to process one image using this program.