3 and 12 lead electrocardiogram interpretation by computer. A comparison on 1093 patients.

The use of automated methods for electrocardiogram interpretation is not new. Procedures have been developed for the analysis of I2 lead electrocardiograms (Caceres et al., I962; Bonner and Schwetman, I968) and for the interpretation of 3 lead electrocardiograms (Stallmann and Pipberger, I96I; Pipberger and Stallmann, I964; Smith and Hyde, I969). More recently a technique has been developed (Macfarlane, I97I) for use with either lead system, when leads are recorded in groups of 3 simultaneously. There have, however, been few comprehensive comparisons of 3 and I2 lead electrocardiogram interpretations by computer or few studies of computer interpreted orthogonal lead electrocardiograms with lead systems other than that of Frank (1956). A modification to the axial lead system of McFee and Parungao (I96I) has been described (Macfarlane, I969) which effectively equalized the lead strengths previously shown to be unequal (Brody and Arzbaecher, I964). This modification was designed to make the axial lead system approximate to the ideal orthogonal lead system, with mutually perpendicular lead vectors of equal magnitude. While this modified axial lead system was theoretically acceptable it remained to be shown whether or not it was clinically as useful as the conventional I2 lead system with the assistance of computer interpretation. In the technique of I2 lead electrocardiography I2 projections of the cardiac electrical activity (Fig. i) in different directions are recorded sequentially. In 3 lead electrocardiography only 3 projections, leads X, Y, Z, are

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