In a wetland-reservoir system, tile drainage water and surface runoff water from agricultural fields are routed into a wetland reservoir, rather than into open-ended streams and drainage ditches. The collected water is then recycled back through a controlled tile drainage-subsurface irrigation system to provide subsurface irrigation during times of crop water deficit. The wetland reservoir provides wildlife habitat and serves as a sink to prevent off-site movement (loss) of water and sediments, and also provides a means for intercepting and recycling agricultural nutrients and chemicals via return irrigation. As a result, precipitation water is used more efficiently and the discharge of agricultural sediments and chemicals into off-site surface and ground water resources is substantially reduced. The controlled drainage/subirrigation system (CDS) reduced total nitrate loss by 41% compared to traditional tile drainage (DR). The CDS system also reduced losses of dissolved inorganic phosphorus, dissolved organic phosphorus and total dissolved phosphorus in tile drainage water by 18%, 47% and 36%, respectively, relative to the non-irrigated DR system. During the low rainfall growing seasons of 2001 and 2002, the CDS system increased corn grain yield by 91% (2001) and soybean yield by 49% (2002), relative to the DR system. Thus, the CDS system combined with a wetland-reservoir can be highly effective for improving crop yield and reducing non-point source pollution from agricultural fields.
D. A. Tel,et al.
The analyses of KCL soil extracts for nitrate, nitrite and ammonium using a TRAACS 800 analyzer
Craig F. Drury,et al.
Influence of controlled drainage-subirrigation on surface and tile drainage nitrate loss
J. L. Baker,et al.
Nitrate-Nitrogen in Tile Drainage as Affected by Fertilization 1
C. Drury,et al.
Integrated Soil, Crop and Water Management System to Abate Herbicide and Nitrate Contamination of the Great Lakes
W. D. Reynolds,et al.
Impacts of Recent Climate Trends on Agriculture in Southwestern Ontario