Wake up 0t tgue rl k man
There have been several high-profile accidents in industry where fatigu e was identified as either causal or con tributo ry. The risk of fatigue is inherent in any worktime arrangement in volving shift work , long hours of work, irregular hour s, extended work hours, and work th at is physically or mentally demanding , repetitive or requires high vigilanc e. Th e managemen t of fatigue is not simp ly a matter of correct shift sch eduling - a more comprehensive approach is needed. In order to be successful, a fatigue management prog ram me should address the unique needs of the operation in which it will be implemented, it should be integrated into the normal ope rations, and it should encourage active participation from all stakeholders. A fatigue managem ent programme shou ld address task- as well as worker-re lated fac tors associate d with worker fatigue. This paper will discuss the framework of such a programme.