Message from the General Chair: IEEE SmartCloud/ISRL 2019

It is our pleasure and honor as General Chairs of IEEE SmartCloud/ISRL 2019 to welcome you to the 4th IEEE International Conference on Smart Cloud (IEEE SmartCloud 2019), the 3rd International Symposium on Reinforcement Learning (IEEE ISRL 2019), and the co-located events. IEEE SmartCloud/ISRL 2019 Committees organize these two co-located conferences. It is a great honor and privilege for us to organize SmartCloud/ISRL 2019 in the heart of Tokyo, from December 10th to 12th, 2019. On behalf of the organizing committees of IEEE SmartCloud/ISRL 2019, we would like to express to all participants who attend the conference and the associated workshops and summit our cordial welcome and gratitude. IEEE SmartCloud/ISRL 2019 is an annual academic get-together and prior events include SmartCloud/ISRL 2018 (New York, USA), SmartCloud/ISRL 2017 (New York, USA), and SmartCloud/ISRL 2016 (New York, USA). The theme of this academic gathering was born out of an in-depth exploration in computing resource-oriented services covering big data, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. The conferences and the associated workshops have attracted high-quality research papers, which highlight the most recent research work that strives to push beyond the limits of the existing smart computing technologies, which include experimental evaluations, innovative systems, and investigations identifying weaknesses in the existing cloud computing systems.