Future directions of fuzzy theory and systems

Fuzzy logic and soft computing, L.A. Zadeh intelligence computing, M. Sugeno fuzzy knowledge-based systems - reviews and perspectives, K.S. Leung and Y. Leung mathematical foundation and engineering application, J.-Y. Zhu fuzzy inference without membership function, C.P. Kwong a membership function translation approach for evaluating fuzzy systems, Y.-H. Kuo and B.-H. Wei fuzzy counterpropagation networks, C.-C. Jou fuzzy controllers make interpolation using fuzzy samples, P.Z. Wang et al the fuzzy function approximation using polynomial rules, L.-W. Chan adaptive fuzzy controller with model-following capability, J.T.K. Koo on fuzzy inference based on a-level sets, H.T. Nguyen and Y. Maeda neural fuzzy ellipsoidal learning and platoon control, J. Dickerson and B. Kosko.