Die Kristallstruktur von Na4CoO4[1]

Nach Einkristalluntersuchungen kristallisiert Na4CoO4 triklin (P1, a = 8,648, b = 5,702, c = 6,400 A, α = 123,9°, β = 98,1°, γ = 99,2°). Es liegen fast tetraedrische CoO4-Gruppen vor; die Koordinationszahlen von Na+ betragen 4 und 5. The Crystal Structure of Na4CoO4 According to X-Ray investigations on single crystals, Na4CoO4 crystallizes triclinic (P1, a = 8.648, b = 5.702, c = 6.400 A, α = 123.9°, β = 98.1°, γ = 99.2°). There are almost tetrahedral CoO4-groups; sodium is coordinated by four or five O2−.