Basic Characteristics and Effective Control ofGangue Piles in Mining Areas: A Case Study

Discharged gangues are stockpiled on the surface and are characteristic of mining areas. The rejected materials are an environmental risk. The definition of effective methods to control and prevent pollution caused by gangue piles has become a relevant research topic. The present research will characterise gangue pile origins and their physico-chemical features. According to their physico-chemical characteristics, the effect of gangue piles on the environment in a mining area was analysed. Thereafter, the method of backfill mining was proposed as an effective method for gangue pile control and prevention. The backfill and control effects were investigated and results showed that gangue backfill mining bestowed significant economic and environmental benefits. Using this method, 160,000 t of gangues have been dealt resulting in a reduction of land occupied by 5,200 ha and land degradation covering some 29,600 ha. Gangue piles and their associated pollution have been effectively controlled with ensuing environmental benefits in mining areas.