Tumor-associated antigens that are expressed in lymphosarcoma B cells of cattle with enzootic bovine leukosis had been analyzed in terms of their reactivity with 13 monoclonal antibodies (MAB). By use of flow cytometry and radioimmunoprecipitation, 1 of the MAB (c143) that recognized a tumor-associated antigen cross-reacted with blood lymphocytes (BL) from various mammalian species. By use of flow cytometry, the c143 MAB reacted with 10 to 49% of BL derived from human beings, mice, dogs, horses, pigs, llamas, sheep, goats, and cattle. Titer of the c143 MAB with BL from horses, pigs, human beings, and llamas ranged between 1:6.0 x 10(4) and 1:5.3 x 10(5); titer associated with BL of goats and sheep was 1:1.6 x 10(6); and that associated with BL of cattle was 1:4.3 x 10(7). The c143 MAB specifically immunoprecipitated 3 homologous proteins from cell extracts of caprine, ovine, and bovine BL (32-, 34-, and 36- to 37-kDa bovine proteins; 31-, 32-, and 36- to 37-kDa caprine proteins; and 31.5-, 33-, and 36- to 37-kDa ovine proteins), but none was immunoprecipitated from human, murine, canine, porcine, and llama BL. These results indicate that the avidity of the c143 MAB in binding to BL from ruminants (eg, goats, sheep, and cattle) is higher than that to BL from human beings, mice, dogs, horses, pigs, and llamas. In sheep, the c143 MAB could immunoprecipitate the aforementioned proteins from BL of the Suffolk breed, but not BL from the Corriedale breed, whereas the c143 MAB immunoprecipitated apparently identical proteins from BL of 4 breeds of cattle.