Theinfluence oftheuncertainty onmonitoring stack emissions inawaste-to-energy plant

Managing theresult ofacomparison between measured values and athreshold isusually arelevant issue. Anareainwhichthis issue is evenpressing isthemonitoring ofpollutants emitted byplants for thedisposal andincineration ofwaste. Thispaperproposes a methodofcomparison that, taking intoaccount bothmeasurement uncertainty andmeasurand variability, allows toestimate thelevel ofrisk that awrongdecision isbeing taken. Theapplication ofthe method totheproblem oftracking pollutants inthewaste-to-energy plant ofSanVittore delLazio(Italy), after abrief description ofthe plant, isdescribed through someexperimental results.