Dynamic Tensile Behaviour of Self Compacting Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete

The promise of bre reinforced cementitious composites for dynamic loading ap-plication stems from their observed good response under static loading. However, very littleresearch has been carried out to investigate if their good static response corresponds to animproved dynamic response. Current understanding of the dynamic response and impact resis-tance of cementitious composites, and especially of SFRC, is very limited. In the framework ofthe ACCIDENT project, an experimental research aimed at contributing to the understandingof the behaviour of steel bre reinforced concrete subjected to low and high displacement rateswas carried out. The material investigated is a self compacting steel bre reinforced concretewith compressive strength equal to 70 MPa. Hooked steel bres 35 mm long were used. The brecontent was 50 kg/m3. The material behaviour was investigated at high displacement rates (1.2m/s) by exploiting a modi ed Hopkinson bar (MHB) and the tests results were compared withthe results obtained in static tests. A comparison between static and dynamic tests highlightedseveral relevant aspects regarding the material behaviour at high displacement rates.