Are 2 electrocardiographic leads enough for multilead wave boundary location and QT measuring?

Different latencies on the cardiac electric phenomena can be found across leads. Thus combining adequately the information provided by multiple leads is essential for the correct location of global wave boundaries. A multilead-VCG strategy for boundaries location, by constructing a transformed spatial lead obtained from 3 orthogonal leads and optimized for delineation improvement, has been previously proposed and validated [1]. The goal of this work was to study and to quantify the performance loss when just 2 orthogonal leads are used. Combination of 2 leads were considered, both using recorded Frank leads, leads synthesised using inverse Dower transformation, and principal component analysis. The errors in QRS onset and T wave end location and in QT interval measurement were evaluated over the PTB database files. Results indicate that 2 leads properly selected are enough to locate QRS onset but possibly not for T wave end.