A Personal Approach to Teaching. Beliefs That Make a Difference. Arthur W. Combs Boston: Allyn & Bacon, Inc., 1982, $10.95

—Reviewed by Cordon Cawelti. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Develop ment, Alexandria, Virginia. The Quality Circle is a problemsolving device used increasingly by for ward-looking corporations to help on line employees solve problems dealing with quality control, safety, morale, and communication. People in an organiza tion volunteer to spend time identifying problems, collecting data, brainstorming, and determining cause and effect. The process culminates when the group recommends a solution to their supervi sor (management). Applications in school settings are not included in this slide-tape presentation; industrial settings are used as examples. However, the techniques can be adapted for school settings to be used in the future when educational leaders recog nize the need to draw on the talents of their employees in seeking ways to im prove productivity. Available from Quality Circle Insti tute, 1425 Vista Way, Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box Q, Red Bluff, CA 96080, for $145.