Spatial Data Mining Approaches for GIS – A Brief Review

Spatial Data Mining (SDM) technology has emerged as a new area for spatial data analysis. Geographical Information System (GIS) stores data collected from heterogeneous sources in varied formats in the form of geodatabases representing spatial features, with respect to latitude and longitudinal positions. Geodatabases are increasing day by day generating huge volume of data from satellite images providing details related to orbit and from other sources for representing natural resources like water bodies, forest covers, soil quality monitoring etc. Recently GIS is used in analysis of traffic monitoring, tourist monitoring, health management, and bio-diversity conservation. Inferring information from geodatabases has gained importance using computational algorithms. The objective of this survey is to provide with a brief overview of GIS data formats data representation models, data sources, data mining algorithmic approaches, SDM tools, issues and challenges. Based on analysis of various literatures this paper outlines the issues and challenges of GIS data and architecture is proposed to meet the challenges of GIS data and viewed GIS as a Bigdata problem.



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