The compact radio sources in 4C 39.25 and 3C 345. [quasars]

Long-baseline interferometry of the quasars 4C 39.25 and 3C 345 at 10.65 and 14.77 GHz shows that the centimeter radio source in each object is double, with component separations of 0.0020 arcsec (4C 39.25) and 0.0013 arcsec (3C 345 at 1974.5). For each source, the separation is the same at both frequencies, as well as similar to the structure observed at 7.85 GHz (and 5.0 GHz for 4C 39.25). The spectra of the individual components are derived and shown to vary with time approximately as expected for expanding self-absorbed synchrotron sources. The magnetic fields in the components are estimated to be as high as 0.1 gauss, but the structure of the sources appears to be unrelated to the magnetic-field orientation derived from low-resolution polarization measurements. The component separation in 4C 39.25 has not changed for several years, whereas 3C 345 shows rapid expansion.