Singlechipvariablebeam forming network for64-elementarray radiators: hyper scalemonolithicmicrowave integration
A novel circuit design approach ispresented forhyper scale monolithic microwave integration. Thekeypointis themicrowave unit cells whichprovide powerdivision, and amplitude andphase control. Thesecells feature iteratively matched complex impedance andinterlocked dualand quadruple coldFETcircuit topologies resulting veryhigh integration density aswellas almost zerodc-power dissipation. Based on thenovel design concept, anentire beamforming network forexciting a 64-element phased arayissuccessfully integrated onasingle GaAsmonolithic chip. Itconsists ofa64-way pyramidal powerdivider, 64 360-degree variable phase shifters, and64phase-inversible amplitude controllers. Thishyper-scale MMIC will drastically advance thedevelopment ofmultiple beam forming andadaptive steering systems forsatellite onboard phased arraytransponders. Introduction Phased arraysystems haverecently beentaking major steps forward toadvance thedevelopment ofmanymajor radar andcommunication systems. Several keytechnologies suchasMMIC,optical control, anddigital beamforming aredriving therapid advance ofphased arraysystems. Emerging signal processing technologies areexpected to provide adaptive orintelligent functions suchasbeam steering andinterference compensation. Microwave signal