Online Education: Learning and Teaching in Cyberspace

1. Introduction. The History of Computers in Education. Seymour Papert: Liberating Young Minds. Themes that Shape Online Education. The Brave New World. 2. Scope of Online Education. Networks. Higher Education. K-12 Schools. Corporations and Government Agencies. Non-Profit Organizations. The Home. Public Spaces. Margaret Riel: Learning Circles. Conclusions. 3. Elements of Online Education. Email. Threaded Discussions. Realtime Conferencing. GroupWare. File Transfers. Application Software. Beverly Hunter: Computers as Tools. Simulations. Curriculum Development and Management. 4. Research About Online Education. Impact on Student Achievement. Evaluation of Web-based Courses. School-Level Impact. The Nature of Class Interaction. Virtual Conferences. Linda Harasim: Studying the Effects of Online Interaction. 5. Online Learning. Learning to Learn. The Social Milieu. Engagement Theory. Netiquette. Computer Literacy. Special Needs. Gender Equity. Norman Coombs: Adaptive Technology for Online Interaction. 6. Online Teaching. Interactivity and Participation. Feedback. Workload. Moderating and Facilitating. Effectiveness. Faculty Collaboration. Student Evaluation. Betty Collis: A World Perspective on Telelearning. 7. Design and Development of Online Courses. Development Methodology. Form and Function. The Team Approach. Course Documents. Integrating Online and On-Campus Activities. Authoring Courses. Course Quality. Judi Harris: Telementoring. 8. Organizations and Networking. Physical Facilities and Support Staff. Patterns of Study and Work. Power Relationships. Cooperation and Competition. Al Rogers: Linking Kids Around the World. 9. Policy. Ownership. Quality Control. Student/Faculty Workloads. Accreditation and Certification. Acceptable Use. Jason Ohler: Exploring the Electronic Frontier. 10. Education in the Information Age. Access: The Haves and Have-Nots. Technology: Good or Evil. Privacy. Cost/Benefits. Virtual Schools. Organizations that Shape Online Education. Resistance to Change. Curtis Bonk: Electronic Collaboration. 11. When the Electrons Hit the Screen. Putting Together an Online Course. Getting Connected. Finding Money and Resources. Selecting Software. Troubleshooting. What to do Next. Mariano Bernardez: Online Professional Development. 12. Future Directions. Ubiquitous Computing. Intelligent Software. Merging of Television, Telecommunications, and Computing. Virtual Environments, Speech Processing. Automated Language Translation. Knowledge Management. Paul Levinson: Information Technology Visionary. 13. Sources Of Further Information. Journals/Magazines. Conference/Workshop Proceedings. Associations. Database Report Collections. Research Centers. Networks. References. Appendix: Case Studies. Glossary. Index.