Simultaneous optical detection techniques, interferometry, and optical beam deflection for dynamic mode control of scanning force microscopy
In dynamic mode control of scanning force microscopy (SFM), optical beam deflection and interferometry are the techniques most used for detection of force gradients by means of a tip and a microcantilever that usually vibrates at the first resonant mode. In order to increase the sensitivity of these kinds of microscopes, one possible means is to investigate the potential of the highest resonance modes which allow an increase in the operating frequencies. For these two detection techniques, according to the local displacement slope, care must be taken in the choice of an appropriate microcantilever point where the laser beam is focused. In this article, an original technique based on simultaneous detection, interferometry, and the beam deflection method is introduced. These techniques are able to characterize within two degrees of freedom, normal displacement and angular deflection, thus resonating the SFM cantilever.