단일 가속도 센서에 의한 모바일 역진자 제어

This paper proposes a single accelerometer sensor control algorithm to mobile inverted pendulum, generally called ‘Segway’, and evaluates the performance of this system comparing to the conventional ones. The commercialized ‘Prototype Segway-PT’ is initially considered as a next-generation transport vehicle. However, this robot is operated by three gyroscopes and two accelerometers to control the posture and speed, and it requires the complex signal processing for fusing the two sets of data. As the result of this, the growth rate of market size of ‘Segway’ is slow because of its high price mainly. In this paper, the mobile inverted pendulum is operated by a single accelerometer to simplify the control system to lower the price. Low pass filter is one of the good sensors to reducing the variation of an accelerometer, but it has time delay. This time delay disturbs real-time mobile inverted pendulum control. Like this, other various algorithms are used for this system, but each one has its own weak point. So this paper proposes a new filtering method, median filter and EKF. Median filter is used to image processing to reject impulse elements like salt and pepper noise. As the major performance evaluation parameter for the accelerometer, the high-frequency to low frequency ratio from FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) is used. Effectiveness of the proposed algorithms has been verified through the real experiments and the results are demonstrated.