Mesoscale dynamics, structure and predictability of a severe Adriatic bora case

The dynamics, structure and temporal evolution of a severe Adriatic bora, which occurred during 14 and 15 November 2004 was inspected. Numerical simulation of the investigated episode was performed by the mesoscale model MM5. The model was validated against the radiosonde data and the wind data from one automatic meteorological station and three ultrasonic anemometers. Two anemometers where located in the region extremely favorable for the bora occurrence (Senj and Vratnik Pass), while the third one was placed in the mainland (Zagreb-Horvatovac). The model reproduced well the onset and the strength of the investigated bora, as well as the establishment of bora-induced potential vorticity (PV) banners. On the other hand, surface turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) was poorly predicted. Inspection of gap wind characteristics indicated the absence of strong dissipation in the flow through a mountain pass, which gives rise to a horizontally elongated jet. Appearance of wave breaking in the lee of a mountain peak leads to the creation of a mountain wake. Shear lines between individual jets and wakes created in this way are then responsible for the generation of PV banners. Also, the ability of the model to predict hourly wind gusts was validated using a recently developed method.