The research does to know (is) the relationship marketing affect the customer loyalty at PT Wira Beton in Pekanbaru.The population in this research were all 112 consumer on PT Wira Beton in Pekanbaru, Technique sampling was accidental sampling by using the formula slovin thus obtained sample of 100 consumer, the techniques of collecting data that used in this research were interviews and the questionnaires related to this research, was analyzed in descriptively quantitative which tabulated the data and took the conclusions in quantitatively. Furthermore, to analyze the data, the data was used the simple linear regression method and test.Based on SPSS analysis program, the result proved that the customer loyalty on PT Wira Beton in Pekanbaru influenced by relationship marketing, H1 is accepted, this means that there influence between the relationship marketing with the customer loyalty at PT Wira Beton in Pekanbaru.Based on the analysis SPSS proved that customer satisfaction at PT Wira Beton in Pekanbaru influenced by Relationship Marketing and Customer Loyalty, the H1 is accepted, this means there is influence between Relationship Marketing and Customer Loyalty for Customer Satisfaction at PT Wira Beton  in Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh relationship marketing terhadap loyalitas dan kepuasan konsumen di PT Wira Beton Pekanbaru. Dalam penelitian ini ada sebanyak 112 konsumen pada PT Wira Beton Pekanbaru. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan mengunakan rumus slovin dengan mengambil sampel sebanyak 100 orang , teknik pengumpulan data diambil dengan melalui pertanyaan dan angket yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini, data ditabulasi dan di analisis secara kuantitatif dan kesimpulan diambil secara kuantitatif. Selanjutnya, untuk menganalisis data, data digunakan dengan metode regresi linier sederhana dan uji berdasarkan program analisis SPSS,hasilnya membuktikan bahwa loyalitas pelanggan dan kepuasan konsumen PT Wira Beton Pekanbaru di pengaruhi oleh relationship marketing karena H1 diterima